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Rwanda, DRC Squabble Over Support For Rebel Groups


Rwanda, DRC Squabble Over Support For Rebel Groups
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The war of words between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo is getting intense. Kinshasa accuses Kigali of supporting M23 rebels operating in eastern DRC, while Rwanda accuses DRC of supporting the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels also operating in eastern Congo. The recrimination comes against the backdrop of DRC’s elections on December 20 and an escalation in fighting in eastern part of the country. This week, DRC presidential candidate Noel Tshiani told VOA Monday that he will attack Rwanda if he is elected president. Now, Rwandan government spokesperson Yolande Makolo tells VOA’s James Butty, it’s unfortunate that DRC politicians continue to use Kigali as a scapegoat and election strategy to distract from their abject failure to govern their country.