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Tanzania’s President Suluhu warns against meddling in nation’s affair

Tanzania’s President Suluhu warns against meddling in nation’s affair
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Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan this week told foreign diplomats in her country to stop interfering in her country’s domestic matters. She said Tanzania will not take instruction from any country on how to investigate alleged politically linked violence. Mohamed Ali Kibao, a member of the main opposition Chadema party, was abducted on September 6 in broad daylight. His body was found in a Dar es Salaam neighborhood over the weekend. President Suluhu Hassan called for a swift and thorough investigation. The United States Mission, European Union, British and Canadian High Commissions called for an independent and transparent investigation. Neville Meena, secretary for Tanzania’s Editors Forum, tells VOA's James Butty, the views of the foreign missions reflect the general mood in the country.