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Africa News Tonight: Kenyan police may head to Haiti, Zimbabwe not invited to US-Africa defense meeting, U.S. congress members back AGOA

Africa News Tonight: Kenyan police may head to Haiti, Zimbabwe not invited to US-Africa defense meeting, U.S. congress members back AGOA
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After multiple delays and court challenges, it appears the deployment of Kenyan police officers to Haiti may be set for Tuesday, according to news reports, even though Kenya’s High Court ruled earlier this year the deployment was unconstitutional. Zimbabwe has not been invited to a U.S-Africa military conference that begins in Botswana tomorrow, with defense chiefs from more than 30 African countries. U.S. Congressman Dan Kildee says a recent congressional visit to Africa was first and foremost about the re-authorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA, as well as to remain engaged with the continent.