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Sierra Leone’s Opposition Washes Hands Off ‘Failed Coup’


Sierra Leone’s Opposition Washes Hands Off ‘Failed Coup’
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Sierra Leone’s main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) has condemned what it calls any attempt to associate the party with any form of violence. In a statement released Tuesday, the party said it believes in coming to power through the ballot box, not through the barrel of the gun. This, as the government for the first time said Tuesday that Sunday’s attack on a military armory was a failed coup attempt. Also, a state security officer assigned to APC chairman and former President Ernest Bai Kromah was said to have been killed during the attack. Reuters reported that 20 people were killed and nearly 2,000 inmates escaped during the attack. Sidie Yahya Tunis, APC national publicity secretary, tells VOA’s James Butty, the APC wants a speedy, fair, independent, and transparent investigation.