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Science and History of Time Keeping - Should We Eliminate Time Change?

Science and History of Time Keeping - Should We Eliminate Time Change?
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Today on our One on One Segment since its time change weekend in the US, we’ll talk about the history and science of time keeping and discuss whether the biannual time changes should be kept or eliminated. And… After months of disturbing news about the spread of Ebola in West Africa, Lisa Schlein tells us that World Health Organization provided a glimmer of hope this week. One of two International Space Station resupply missions scheduled for this week actually made it to the space station. The US rocket exploded shortly after launch, but the Russian supply spacecraft made it safely to the ISS. Scientists have discovered genetic links that could put them closer to finding better treatments for a range of diseases. Researchers at a mid-western US university found that people who work at a walking workstation, rather than sitting at a desk, are provided with numerous physical and mental health benefits. We'll have these stories and much more for you on today's edition of VOA's Science, Health and Technology magazine... Science World.