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The Sun is About to Flip It's (Magnetic) Poles

The Sun is About to Flip It's (Magnetic) Poles
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Scientists who study the sun say that a major solar event is about to take place.  They're saying that the sun's magnetic field is about to reverse or flip its polarity.  A solar physicist at California's Stanford University says not to worry though... we'll be ok.  He joins us on today's One on One Segment to tell us more about this solar event. Also… In the aftermath of the typhoon that recently caused so much death and destruction in the Philippines some are wondering if man-made climate change can be blamed. A new study has revealed that a dog's tail wag can actually communicate much more than that. US health officials this week recommended that more Americans should be taking cholesterol lowering drugs called statins in order to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Vietnam wants a vibrant digital economy but most of the computer software used there is pirated, with users experiencing an epidemic of malware attacks. What to do about a smelly invasive bug appropriately called the Stink Bug as continues to spread across the United States, alarming both farmers and scientists.