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Daybreak Africa: Fighting rages in Congo as Army, M23 rebels clash
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Daybreak Africa: Fighting rages in Congo as Army, M23 rebels clash

On Daybreak Africa: Renewed fighting between Democratic Republic of Congo's army and M23 rebels broke out on Sunday around a densely populated town in eastern North Kivu province, where the rebels are waging an insurgency, the army and M23 said. Plus, Rwanda and DRC foreign ministers meet again in Angola in two weeks. Research shows that African youth prefer democracy to any kind of authoritarian alternative. Former Liberian President George Weah seeks the intervention of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for what he calls attacks on his party by the current government. Attacks on humanitarian workers in the DRC hamper their efforts to care for thousands of refugees in IDP camps. For these and more, tune in to Daybreak Africa!

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