Zimbabweans Flood Zambian Hospitals

FILE - Doctors care for patients affected by Cholera at the Heroes stadium temporary transformed in a hospital, Lusaka, Jan. 15, 2018.

Zambian health authorities report that Zimbabweans living on the border between the two nations are depleting their health care resources as they account for a third of patients in several hospitals and clinics.

Several Zimbabweans report flocking to Zambia in pursuit of health care due to the superior services offered that are free for those who can’t afford treatment.

Tafadzwa Masimba, a Zimbabwean nurse based in Zambia said she understands why her countrymen flock to her host nation for treatment.

“You can access any health service that you want at a government hospital, and then it’s usually for free,” said Masimba.

“If you have to pay, it’s like you pay a very low amount – it’s very affordable. And there are also doctors here everywhere. There are doctors in the hospitals 24/7,” she added.

Natalie Mashikolo, the Public Relations officer at the University Teaching Hospital said they work with partnering institutions to address Zimbabweans who cannot pay their medical tabs.

“Obviously, if a patient from Zimbabwe comes through, it’s just automatic to know that when you look at them, you know that Zimbabweans cannot pay,” said Mashikolo.

“That’s why we cannot turn them away, and when they discharge, we contact the embassy (of Zimbabwe in Lusaka) to see is there a way they can help. If they can’t manage to help, then we bring in our cooperating partners,” she added.

Imran Raymond Vaidya, a social aid officer with IK Charitable Trust, a non-profit that is tasked with aiding foreigners in pursuit of better medical treatment, said they have assisted a lot of Zimbabweans.

“We normally assist foreigners, especially Zimbabweans, in repatriation to get back to where they come from. We also assist Zimbabweans in purchasing of spectacles,” said Vaidya.

“We also assist Zimbabweans in payment for spectacles. As you know, it is very difficult for foreigners, especially Zimbabweans, to be put under NHIMA,” added Vaidya as he referred to Zambia’s National Health Insurance Management Authority.

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Zimbabweans Flood Zambian Hospitals for Medical Care