Conflict Exacerbates Already Deteriorating Press Freedom in Sudan [4:58]

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As we mark World Press Freedom Day this Wednesday, the chairman of Sudanese Journalists Syndicate says the ongoing conflict in the northeast African country has exacerbated what was already restricted press freedom. Abdel-Moneim Abu-Idris says after the 2019 toppling of Sudan’s long-time military ruler Omer al-Bashir in a popular uprising, press freedom improved significantly. He says freedom of expression then quickLy deteriorated again following the 2021 military coup that removed the civilian-led transitional government of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. He tells VOA’s Nabeel Biajo that during the current fighting between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces which began on April 15, journalists have been physically attacked, threatened, intimidated and otherwise unable to get out the truth about the conflict to the Sudanese people amid a feverish campaign of disinformation and hate speech