Saturday Summit on DRC Violence

FILE: East African leaders are expected to travel to Burundi on Saturday for a summit on the conflict in eastern DR Congo, officials said on Friday, February 3, 2023.

East African leaders are expected to travel to Burundi on Saturday for a summit on the conflict in eastern DRC, officials said on Friday.

A diplomat in the Democratic Republic of Congo confirmed a meeting was due to take place.

No official announcement has yet been made, but a presidency official said that President Felix Tshisekedi would attend talks in Burundi hosted by the East African Community (EAC).

It is not yet clear which other EAC leaders will attend the summit in Burundi's capital Bujumbura.

Militias have plagued eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for decades, many of which are a legacy of regional wars that flared during the 1990s and the early 2000s.

Since November 2021, M23 rebels have also seized swathes of territory in the turbulent region and come within miles (kilometres) of its main commercial hub Goma.

The DRC accuses its smaller central African nation Rwanda of backing the M23, something United Nations experts, the United States and other western countries agree with.

Rwanda denies the charge.

The EAC decided to create a military force to pacify eastern Congo last year, with the first troops arriving in Goma in November.

The force is permitted to use force to dislodge M23 fighters but it has not yet done so.