Kenya’s Opposition Odinga Promotes March 20 Protest

FILE — Kenya's opposition leader Raila Odinga addresses supporters where he called for mass action against high cost of living , Nairobi, March 9, 2023.

NAIROBI — Kenyan opposition leader and President William Ruto’s rival in the 2022 elections, Raila Odinga, over the weekend fueled calls for a protest on March 20 to speak against high costs of living in the East African nation.

The former Prime Minister started his nationwide campaign last Friday calling on his supporters to turn up for the protest in Nairobi.

Speaking Friday, Odinga said all Kenyans should call for lower costs of living and lower taxes on some commodities while claiming that the East African nation is suffering due to corruption and the withdrawal of subsidies for food, fuel, and education.

"On that day our supporters throughout the country shall stage a massive procession in Nairobi for a legitimate and inclusive government. The movement for the defense of democracy has now started," Odinga said.

The veteran opposition leader also called on his supporters to abandon the services of the East African nation’s largest telecommunications provider, Safaricom and for the nation to stop consuming egg products whose suppliers are "of no use to the people of Kenya," after alleging that the mentioned companies are colluding with government.

At a rally in Mombasa Sunday, Odinga further promoted the nationwide protest saying it would go on as planned.

"The sovereignty in the Republic of Kenya lies with the people of Kenya. The people of Kenya can use their sovereignty directly or donate it to their elective representatives and have the right to demonstrate, to protest, to picket, to strike and to present the memorandum and petition," Odinga said.

Kimani Ichung’wa, the majority leader in the national assembly said the opposition is sabotaging the nation’s economy.

"Those who were destroying our economy yesterday are now shouting at you trying to intimidate you, but are also economic bandits, who want to terrorize, sabotage our economy and sabotage the good work that you have begun to do to rebuild our economy,"Ichung’wa said.

"Those economic bandits, we know what they are looking for. We shall not give you what you are looking for. We know you want chaos, you want to disrupt our cities, and we shall not give you that," he added.

President William Ruto responded to the opposition’s calls by urging participants of the March 20 protests to obey the law.

"I want to ask us all as citizens of the Republic of Kenya to be careful about how we go about our affairs, to ensure that Kenya is built of the firm foundation of the rule of law so that we can proceed as a nation in an organized and in a proper manner, I will not operate outside the law," the president said.