German GIs Possibly Going to Niger

FILE: German troops return to Wunstorf Air Base following evacuation missions in Kabul, Wunstorf, Germany. taken Aug. 27, 2021.

BERLIN - The German government on Wednesday paved the way for German troops' participation in a European Union military mission in Niger, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters after the cabinet decision.

Germany intends to deploy up to 60 soldiers to Niger as part of an EU operation designed to support the government in Niamey in the build-up of its forces.

On December 16, 2022, then-Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said on a Niger visit that Germany will play a substantial role in a planned EU mission in that Sahel nation.

"We are not leaving the Sahel on its own," she told reporters, without putting a figure on the number of troops Berlin would contribute to the mission.

At a meeting in Brussels on December 12, 2022, EU foreign ministers paved the way for a three-year military mission to Niger to support the country in its fight against armed groups.

The final decision about Berlin's participation lies with the German parliament, with a vote expected at the end of April.