Up Front: New African Financial Institutions funding African Arts

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In recent years, the African art market has experienced a surge in popularity, attracting collectors and investors worldwide. One of the driving forces behind the growth is the emergence of a vibrant contemporary art scene across the continent. Julius Agogo a Ghanaian art collector and investor talks to us about the potential in the African art market, and gives us advice on how and where to start as an investor and collector of African art. Plus, we have the second part of our conversation with Tim Leberecht the cofounder of the platform The House of Beautiful Business. He joins us together with Moroccan Social entrepreneur Hanae Bezad. In our vox pops, we ask you to give us your opinions on how to solve the issue of youth unemployment in Africa. In Cameroon, officials are forcing thousands of kids and adolescent cattle ranchers and gold miners from troubled neighboring back to school