Seven South Sudan Peace Delegates Killed

FILE: South Sudan map. Eastern Equatorial State is at bottom right of the nation. Uploaded Dec. 25, 2015.

OSLO - A Norwegian humanitarian organization said Thursday seven South Sudanese delegates who attended a peace conference were killed in two of its cars, while three of its employees escaped unharmed.

"We strongly condemn the attack on civilians and humanitarian aid workers," the head of Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Dagfinn Hoybraten, said in a statement.

"The attack demonstrates how demanding and complex it is to work in a country where the security situation is changing all the time," he added.

The seven were killed on Saturday in Imehejek in Eastern Equatoria state after attending a peace conference and being offered a ride in NCA cars.

The humanitarian organization provided no other details, saying the attack was still under investigation.

The three NCA employees were also from South Sudan, NCA said.