Tyre Nichols: Policing in America

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Despite calls for police reform legislation after the tragic death of George Floyd in May 2020, negotiations over the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act collapsed in the last Congress. Now, Tyre Nichols, a young Black man, has become the most recent victim of excessive police violence, this time in Memphis, Tennessee. Host Carol Castiel talks with law enforcement experts Chuck Wexler, Executive Director, Police Executive Research Forum and Ganesha M. Martin, former director of the Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, about the steps needed, including federal legislation, to reform policing in America.

Despite calls for police reform legislation after the tragic death of George Floyd in May 2020, negotiations over the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act collapsed in the last Congress. Now, Tyre Nichols, a young Black man, has become the most recent victim of excessive police violence, this time in Memphis, Tennessee. Host Carol Castiel talks with law enforcement experts Chuck Wexler, Executive Director, Police Executive Research Forum and Ganesha M. Martin, former director of the Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, about the steps needed, including federal legislation, to reform policing in America.