NASA's NuStar Mission Makes Remarkable Discovery

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Today we’ll talk with Dr. Fiona Harrison who heads the NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array or NuSTAR mission. She’s one of the first female primary investigators of a NASA mission. And… U.S. health authorities are ordering travelers from three West African countries to monitor their health for 21 days and report daily for any signs of Ebola. Meanwhile, the WHO has again come out against bans on travel and trade with the countries at the heart of the epidemic. Rosanne Skirble talks with one of winners of the 2014 Nobel Prize for Chemistry about his work developing a new 3D microscope. A group of Chinese scientists says it has discovered and is testing a virus that could be used to kill cancer cells without harming normal ones. During major emergencies cell phone and Wi-Fi networks quickly get overloaded. A group of New Jersey science students may have come up with a solution to this problem. We'll have these stories and more on today's edition of VOA's Science, Health and Technology magazine... Science World.