Study Shows that Neaderthals Weren't Inferior to Modern Humans

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A pair of researchers said that they've found no real proof that backs up the stereotype of the knuckle dragging, brutish, pre-historic relative of modern man -- the Neanderthal.  Instead there's quite of bit of archeological evidence that suggests that the Neanderthals were more advanced that had been previously thought. And… The periodic table of elements has a new addition this week after researchers discovered a new superheavy element. The W-H-O is declaring a worldwide public health emergency -- warning us that the global threat of polio is back. U.S. scientists have discovered a protein in the blood in young mice can reverse some of the effects of aging in old mice.  That same protein is also present in human blood. While researchers have found that global temperatures are consistently rising, a new study finds there are distinct differences, depending on where you live.