According to sources close to the matter, the social media giant Friday shut down its offices in New Delhi and Mumbai but will continue to operate its office in the southern tech hub of Bengaluru that mostly houses engineers.
Last month, Twitter laid off at least a dozen employees from its offices in Dublin and Singapore as part of wider cost-cutting measures that witnessed the firing of over 3,700 employees in early November.
News agency Reuters said it reached out to Twitter for comments however their attempts were futile.
African employees of the social media giant were not sparred during November's layoffs.
The British Broadcasting Corporation reported that the social media giant shut down its offices in Ghana, despite the previous owners stating that the company wanted to be more “immersed” in African conversations.
The firm “is re-organizing its operations as a result of a need to reduce costs,” read an email from Twitter that was seen by the BBC.
On November 4, the company’s new billionaire owner Elon Musk said his latest acquisition was leaking money which motivated the layoffs.
“Regarding Twitter’s reduction in force, unfortunately there is no choice when the company is losing over $4M/day,” tweeted Musk.
“Everyone exited was offered 3 months of severance, which is 50% more than legally required,” he added.
This report was sourced from Reuters and BBC.